Yesterday I wrote about threatening text messages and death threats to House Republicans who are not supporting Jim Jordan for speaker. Some other stories have emerged since I wrote that post. They are just as disturbing.
YMMV. I realize that not everyone shares my view that death threats have no place in politics. And, that the wife of a lawmaker is off-limits to those who are triggered by votes. Politics isn’t beanbag. In today’s heated political environment, I think it is okay to speak out against these kinds of threats.
Politicians and public figures receive threats all the time. It goes with the gig that mentally disturbed individuals lash out, often in explicit terms. The vast majority of people can have disagreements with politicians over votes or policy initiatives but they don’t send unhinged text messages or threaten the politician’s spouse, or issue a death threat. These are extreme moves that can’t be normalized in civil society. Argue all you want but don’t go full-blown unhinged.
The speaker’s race in the House has taken on a life of its own. Jim Jordan said today he is not quitting. Look, he has a right to do that. He can run as long as he gets votes. He has support in the House, just not enough to get the job, at least not yet. For whatever reasons, some people have jumped in and begun to threaten House members in order to get them to vote for Jordan. Are they Democrat operatives? It’s possible. It really doesn’t matter who it is, it needs to stop. Bullies can’t win.
Portions of the transcript of a terrifying voicemail have been published. It is unclear if this is the voicemail referenced by Rep. Bacon received by his wife or if this is a different voicemail.
‘Why is your husband such a pig?’ the caller said. ‘Why would he get on TV and make an a******* of himself? Because he’s a deep-state p****?
‘Because he doesn’t represent the people? So what we’re gonna do is we’re going f*****g follow you all over the place.’
He added: ‘We’re gonna be up your a** f*****g nonstop. We are now Antifa. We’re gonna do what the left does because your f*****g f****t of a husband gets on TV, “Oh, the bad guys, they did stuff. I need to vote for Kevin McCarthy,” a piece of s*** who everybody knows.
‘So, f**k you, f**k your husband, and we are gonna — we’re not like the left. We aren’t violent. But we’re gonna follow your ass to every appointment you have, everything you f*****g do.
‘Your husband’s an a******. You should f*****g talk to his stupid ass. We’re at war. Israelis being killed.
‘And your dumb husband is acting like a f*****g two-year-old? No wonder. He’s a f*****g war-mongering piece of s***.’
The caller said: ‘So listen, you’re going to keep getting calls and emails. I’m putting all your information over the internet now. Everybody else is.
‘And you will not be left alone because of your f*****g f****t husband. Jim Jordan or more conservative or you’re going to be f*****g molested like you can’t ever imagine.
‘And again, non-violently. You won’t go to the beauty parlor. You must be a b**** to marry a f*****g ugly motherf***** like that.’
“We are now Antifa.” “We aren’t violent.” Does the caller not know about Antifa? Violence is their brand. That word was used to intimidate the listener. “Molested.” Threatening to dox the spouse and others who don’t support Jordan is wrong.
So, call me Karen but I’m not okay with that voicemail. Some lowlife thinks this is okay and it’s not. None of this will end well.
Thursday Rep. Ken Buck said he is facing eviction from his district office because his landlord is angry that he didn’t vote for Jordan. He claims to have received death threats, too.
Buck objects to Jordan because he said Jordan pushed Trump’s 2020 election fraud lies and he voted against the certification of Biden’s win. He has received death threats.
So far, I’ve had four death threats, I’ve been evicted from my office in Colorado, I have a notice of eviction, because the landlord is mad with my voting record on the speaker issue. And everybody in the conference is getting this,’ Buck said.
During both floor votes, Buck yelled out the name of Rep. Tom Emmer, saying on CNN Tuesday that he chose the Minnesota Republican because, ‘I don’t like Tom Emmer. I figured this would be the worst job in America,’ which he later clarified was a joke.
Buck is one of the eight Republicans who voted with all House Democrats to remove McCarthy as speaker. He is a part of the problem. Why did those eight Republicans think it was a good idea to remove McCarthy when they clearly had no plan? This is not leadership. House Republicans are proving they are no up to governing. I won’t be surprised if Republicans squander an opportunity to hold the House in 2024, perhaps grow their very slim majority. Why would anyone vote for this clown show?
Read the full article here