Ah, what passes for American academia and our intellectually over-educated elites these days is so beyond the pale it’s hard to comprehend.
And sometimes, they reveal themselves as nothing more than disgusting human beings without a redeeming feature to their credit. When all their carefully crafted wordsmithing falls apart, it can’t conceal the outright hate, bias, and bigotry they’ve worked so diligently to promote as an intellectual exercise vice a visceral one.
The arrogance of the position their supposed moral authority has garnered them eventually renders them blind to their own infallibility, the inherent weakness that veneer of authority was all built on to begin with – a deep, festering, abiding hatred. Which, if exposed for what it truly is instead of quilted in the argle-bargle of professional victim-class-speak and race-grifting, would reveal them to be no greater bold revolutionary or luminary a thinker than the ranting hater on any street corner we all swing wide to avoid, and dismiss in disgust.
They just talk prettier.
We’ve seen these same vile pseudo-intellectuals pop-up everywhere this week, with indulged fledgling insurgents on campuses from Harvard to Berkeley. Scribbling desperate manifestos of justification for the wholesale slaughter of innocent people in the Hamas border massacres, while pledging undying support for freeing Palestine from an Israeli yoke of oppression that they cannot, when challenged, produce. And just as quickly skittering away when there might be real-life consequences attached to so vile a stance, so revolting an endorsement of terrorism and butchery.
The overwhelming Leftist academic reaction to what happened a week ago was expressed by a Cornell professor – a professor.
He sounds like he’s describing oh… say… recreational paragliding rather than wanton murder of jewish people
— GeroDoc (@doc_gero) October 16, 2023
Today, we witnessed 2 NYU students violently tearing down posters of kidnapped babies, mothers, and grandmothers hanging outside of NYU Buildings. This was done in a laughing manner, exhibiting complete disregard for Jewish lives and Jewish safety.
HERE ARE THE PICTURES. pic.twitter.com/VfEkkQ06sR
— SSI_NYU (@ssi_nyu) October 16, 2023
With everything happening this week and the frantic worries for the hostages held by the terrorists in Gaza, this indignant little protest letter from semi-prominent writers who once went to a festival was overlooked. I don’t think it should be, because of who the writers are.
Because of what they wrote in their little tantrum note.
An Open Letter from Participants in the Palestine Festival of Literature
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Molly Crabapple, Natalie Diaz, Maaza Mengiste, Solmaz Sharif, et al.We call for the international community to commit to ending the catastrophe unfolding in Gaza and to finally pursuing a comprehensive and just political solution in Palestine.
We are writers and artists who have been to Palestine to participate in the Palestine Festival of Literature. We now call for the international community to commit to ending the catastrophe unfolding in Gaza and to finally pursuing a comprehensive and just political solution in Palestine. We have exercised our privilege as international visitors to move around historic Palestine in ways that most Palestinians are unable to. We have met and been hosted by Palestinian artists, human rights workers, writers, historians, and activists. We have stood on stage with them. Many of these people, including the festival organizers based in Palestine, are in fear for their lives right now. One festival organizer is locked down with their child in Ramallah, sharing updates about the people killed by armed settlers last night. One partner in Gaza, a magazine editor, is no longer answering messages.
There’s a paragraph in between with lots of exclamation points, “ethnic cleansing” the Palestinians, and an outraged burble about Israeli general using “human animals.” Which, of course, is a literary lie for effect, as the general called the Palestinian people no such thing, while Hamas – to whom it was directed – earned it by their bloodlust.
“Writers” they call themselves. Have to crib off of Omar’s lies. So original.
That’s some terrific company to be in already as far as credibility for your argument, eh?
As for their “ethnic cleansing on a scale not seen in decades,” as the population of Gaza (and Palestine in general) has skyrocketed over the past 30 years, it is hard to make a case for genocide.
Then these ardent intellectual advocates who once went to a festival in “Palestine” go off the rails.
…The governments of the USA, UK, France and others are participating in this crime by ramping up military support for Israel as it wages a war that its officials have plainly stated aims to turn Gaza into a city of tents, or even worse, empty of its people. A population of over two million people, mostly from families that were made refugees in 1948, half of whom are children, have been living under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since 2007, and to many of them, being told to leave again is not an option. On Saturday, after sixteen years of siege, Hamas militants broke out of Gaza. More than 1,300 Israelis were subsequently killed with over one hundred more taken hostage—some of them friends and family of signatories to this letter. We deplore the loss of all innocent life and now, as we write this letter, Israel is executing the largest expulsion of Palestinians since 1948 as it bombs Gazans without discrimination.
“Militants broke out of Gaza.” Not terrorists? And, as someone asked, in what prison do the prisoners have rockets, knives, guns, paragliders, and combat gear?
“1300 Israelis were SUBSEQUENTLY killed.” By mistake? It wasn’t in the crossfire, as the IDF wasn’t there for most of it. So…how DID the killings happen, writers who love Palestinian festivals?
Were they inadvertent killings? You imply they were, as if free-at-last “militants” rolled through on their way to…somewhere else.
But they didn’t, did they? Your Hamas butchers hung around specifically to maim, torture, and murder as many people in as horrific a manner as possible.
Some bodies may never be identified as they were so badly mutilated forensic teams are struggling to obtain DNA samples. https://t.co/ehn9kY0W3L
— Nicole Zedeck (@Nicole_Zedek) October 17, 2023
It was, quite literally, IN THE HAMAS PLAYBOOK they brought with them.
Documents exclusively obtained by NBC News show that Hamas created detailed plans to target elementary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Sa’ad, to “kill as many people as possible,” seize hostages and quickly move them into the Gaza Strip.
The attack plans, which are labeled “top secret” in Arabic, appear to be orders for two highly trained Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather. Israeli authorities are still determining the death toll in Kfar Sa’ad.
The documents were found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists by Israeli first responders and shared with NBC News. They include detailed maps and show that Hamas intended to kill or take hostage civilians and school children.
This information was available when you wrote your open letter, Ta-Nehisi Coates, et al. You should be ashamed of yourselves, had you the capacity.
“The festival organizers…are in fear of their lives right now…” In Israel that ghastly Saturday morning, people were also at a festival, you know. Israelis don’t butcher people at festivals.
YOUR friends do.
And if someone was unlucky enough to live through the “militants” “subsequent” carnage, the savages you festival goers are excusing gave them a free ride – not home – but straight into the gates of a living hell in a Gaza tunnel.
Israeli hostage, 21, paraded in Hamas video is seen dancing and smiling at music festival in footage shared by her family as her desperate mother says ‘my baby is being held by the worst enemy in the world’ https://t.co/KvXdC74FpO
— Michael Dickson (@michaeldickson) October 17, 2023
Or carried off babies from the smoking ruins of their bullet ridden homes.
Hold your child in your arms and then watch this: pic.twitter.com/eUbMpcWvPt
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) October 15, 2023
But, admittedly, they are little pale, Jewish babies, so race-baiting, white and Jew-hating Ta-Nehisi Coates and his fellow festival goers shrug.
These “intellectuals” and advocates for humanity can’t be bothered to even call for the release of those hostages. Did you notice that? No “Free the Hostages” from the blubbering terrorist sympathizing Lefties who signed this abomination.
Nary a peep from the disgusting apologists for butchering savages who had to use “Israelis” to describe the victims in order to perpetuate the race-baiting angle – the Jewishness of them all. To make sure readers knew those Israelis “subsequently” got what they had coming to them.
When there were at least 30 Americans killed. The dead and hostages are a veritable United Nations of innocent victims of unhinged, murderous Jew-hate.
This isn’t just our fight against Hamas. It’s the world’s fight.
Home. pic.twitter.com/WZeMkpFNVy— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) October 16, 2023
Every last signatory of this repulsive screed should be ostracized from polite society for the scab on humanity they represent. Every last signatory on this barbaric pronouncement of support for butchering savages should have their corporate sponsorships thoroughly scrutinized for worthiness and continued support. Every last signatory on this execrable expression of sentiments counter to every last shred of human decency should never be allowed anywhere near a college campus in the guise of lecturer or “teacher.”
Every last signatory on this abomination is a truly reprehensible sack of carbon and should never be accepted as an advocate for “social justice” in any legitimate setting ever again.
Every last signatory on this garbage is a miserable, mewling excuse for a human being.
This lionized, vaunted class of leftist idealogues has repeatedly revealed their celebrated “intellectualism” to be nothing more than gilding on a brittle husk of hate, and I will have none of it.
But that’s just me.
Read the full article here