Alejandro Mayorkas lives a charmed life. Few Americans have so obsessively lied to the American people, including to our Congressional representatives, or have done so much damage to the American people. Millions of illegal migrants cross our borders yearly, yet Mayorkas waltzes before Congress to declare our borders secure.
As Secretary of Homeland Security, he is charged with the country’s defense, including its borders. Not only has he failed to do so–an invasion is taking place as I write–among those invaders is a long list of potential terrorists who have been smuggled into the country.
I imagine he returns to his office after a nice day lying to Congress, pours a beer, and laughs as Republicans complain about his lies on Fox News. Mayorkas knows his job is safe and his future income stream is secure as a respected member of the commentariat, Board Member of prominent corporations, and academic poobah who gets millions for doing nothing.
Mayorkas is a member of the privileged class of bureaucrats who have climbed the ladder to the top, and from those commanding heights, he can watch the country crumble as he dispenses goodies to those whom he will follow into the private sector.
Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To DHS ‘Expert’ Committee
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 19, 2023
People like John Brennan and James Clapper, two other perjurers and in my judgment traitors to our country. Clapper, you will recall, lied under oath to Congress about spying on the American people, and Brennan lied under oath about using the discredited Steele Dossier to get the Russia collusion hoax rolling.
More vile figures can be found in Washington, but you have to look hard. Each has made a career abusing the power handed to them and thumbing their noses at our institutions. Whenever I hear the Democrats make pious declarations about “our democracy” I think of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, and the rest of the swamp creatures whose fortunes and careers have been built on immiserating Americans while casually breaking the laws and norms of our democratic institutions. They lie to Congress and to the courts, protect the powerful in their Party, and casually smear and use lawfare to destroy their political opponents.
Mayorkas is among the worst, not because he is the most gangster-like, but because his actions have done the most to directly harm average Americans. Ask anybody contending with the consequences of the border invasion.
It shouldn’t surprise me that Mayorkas is getting the band back together with his “Homeland Intelligence Expert Group” in time for the 2024 election–and if you don’t think this group is intended to shape the battlefield in the presidential election, you are naive. It’s no coincidence that among the members are those who conspired to deceive Americans about the Hunter Biden laptop, labeling it “Russian disinformation” and creating the evidence to “debunk” the laptop’s legitimacy and to censor its contents until after the 2020 election.
The creation of the Department of Homeland Security was one of George W. Bush’s many large mistakes. It consolidated the intelligence and enforcement powers of the federal government into a coordinated monolith guided by one man–in this case Mayorkas. That is simply too much power to not get abused. And boy has it been.
Americans are by now aware that the gerontocracy at the top of the political pyramid is damaging our country, but less so of the at least equally troubling corrupt bureaucrats who are pillaging and destroying our country. Bureaucrats like Mayorkas, Clapper, and Brennan. They may be directed by those gerontocrats, at least nominally, but have even more direct power to ruin our lives. They are a less visible but more troubling group because politicians come and go, but the bureaucrats are forever.
Congress is charged with holding these high-level bureaucrats accountable, and long ago gave up on exercising that power. They see their job as deciding exactly how to waste Americans’ money. They leave destroying our freedoms to the Executive Branch mandarins.
Read the full article here