There is nothing wrong with hoping for a two-state solution in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In fact, for over 70 years the Israelis, the UN, and most people around the world have been arguing that a two-state solution is the only outcome that could achieve permanent peace.
There is one problem: the Palestinian leadership and most of the Palestinians, along with a large number of Muslim extremists, don’t want a two-state solution. Their goal is one state, one people, and the Middle East altogether cleansed of Jews. It’s pretty hard to find a compromise with people who want you dead and gone.
Many well-meaning people don’t really understand this fact. They have been educated to believe that Israel has been the obstacle to Middle East peace, which explains why so many people have mixed feelings about the conflict and why there is so much sympathy for the Palestinians.
Those ignorant of the long and sad history of peace negotiations in the region may be forgiven because they have been taught a false history by academia and the MSM.
The Palestinians don’t want to negotiate. They want to rearm and reposition so they can strike again. Duplication of 10/7, time and again, is their strategy.
This is not hyperbole. This is exactly what Hamas says all the time.
Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated.
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— Salem News Channel (@WatchSalemNews) November 1, 2023
While it is true that many Americans support a cease-fire with the vague hope that the killing will stop and the negotiations begin, this is not the case with the people who are marching in the streets, tearing down posters, or giving passionate speeches on college campuses.
They know what they are doing and saying, and are often quite open about their hatred of Israel, which they see as an outpost of the West in the Middle East. And they simply hate the West and all it stands for.
Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar says Hamas will never lay down its arms. He then vows to annihilate not only the Jews but other nations as well: “Annihilation will be the fate not only of the Jews, but also of their helpers and of the people who trusted…— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) November 3, 2023
These are the adults and children of DEI, CRT, critical theory, and its intellectual parent Marxism. There are a number of subspecies of this ideology, many of which clash with each other on important issues, but what unites these varieties is a commitment to destroying Western culture. It is an ideology that extends back to the dawn of the 19th Century, gained steam with Marxism, and started dominating academia beginning in the ’60s.
The rhetoric is all utopian, but the motivation is all hate. Genocide is totally on-brand for the adherents of this ideology.
For instance, I stole this from a thread focusing on the radicalism of the City University of New York, in which a professor openly discusses the terrorism of 10/7 as “just resistance” to Israel’s violence.
And shoutout to CUNY Law School commencement speaker Fatima Mousa Mohammed. If it weren’t for your crazy Anti-Semitic ramblings back in May, CUNY wouldn’t even be on my radar.
I’ve been keeping an eye on yall ever since.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) November 3, 2023
She is also a professor or lecturer at two other institutions in New York, and got her degree at the London School of Economics. You can go to that thread and there is a long line of academics from CUNY discussing why the West needs to be destroyed, and why terrorism is justified.
This is the City University of New York. New York City is, by population, the largest concentration of Jews in any city in the world. Larger than Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or anywhere on Earth. And at its heart, funded by the city, is a university rife with open antisemites.
These are views widely held in academia, and the ideology has taken over the education of students.
You can see the results. Those people tearing down the flyers of hostages aren’t hoping for a cease-fire or two-state solution. They don’t believe Jews are human. They believe that babies and seniors should be prisoners of Hamas if it helps the barbarians get what they want. They justify the rape, torture, and murder of civilians as #resistance, calling for the eradication of Israel (from the river to the sea!).
These are antisemites. And for them, the cease-fire is exactly what Hamas hopes: a time to rearm and regroup. Their goal is the elimination of Israel and the Jews, and they deserve all the contempt we can heap on them.
The West has incubated hate by allowing our universities and now schools to become places of radical ideology, and it will take years of effort–which seems unlikely to occur–to root it out. Radical surgery is required, because this ideology is like gangrene. You must chop off the dead limb before the infection spreads even further.
Will that happen? Well, the President of CUNY signed a letter supporting Israel, and this is what is happening at his institution. So it seems unlikely.
Read the full article here