Jazz wrote about this over the weekend, and my Sunday Smiles essay mentioned it as well: San Francisco was miraculously cleaned up over the weekend in preparation for Xi Jinping’s visit to the city.
Oh, yeah, and the president and other leaders will be there, all members of the transnational elite.
San Francisco is famously a literal s**thole–there are actual maps online that document all the places where human feces are found on the streets. Homeless people are everywhere, along with used drug needles, zombies zonked on God knows what drugs, and trash everywhere.
Usually. But not this week, because Newsom and San Francisco’s leaders want to impress their peers.
Clean up for Xi visit to SF. So, Gov Newsom purposely destroys SF except to impresspic.twitter.com/zqbuhgFmrN
— Myrna 💋💄 (@GigaBeers) November 13, 2023
As both Jazz and I pointed out (neither knew the other was writing about this, but great minds think alike!), all it took for the city fathers and mothers to clean things up was the will to do so. They did it within their normal budget, and it didn’t take much time at all. People seemed to wake up and boom! the city was cleaned up.
Newsom will “clean up the house” for the leader of the CCP but won’t do the same for California residents and businesses.
Just another example of the left putting China’s interests before America’s. https://t.co/sFngFITk0n
— Adam Paul Laxalt (@AdamLaxalt) November 13, 2023
This tells you something significant which, I would hope, would leave an impression on the good people of San Francisco: the only reason their city is so dirty and filled with the detritus of humanity is that the Elite want it that way.
Civilization is a choice, and the Elite love to enjoy it for themselves but don’t care about anyone else.
Gavin Newsom AGAIN ADMITS that he cleaned up San Francisco for Xi Jinping and other world’s leaders:
“If you have people over at your house, you are gonna clean up the house.” pic.twitter.com/4FDvf7oAzl
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) November 13, 2023
This should surprise no reader of Hot Air. I pound this point home nearly every day: the transnational elite–and make no mistake, California’s politicians and most others as well–see taxpayers and regular citizens as a resource to be exploited and nothing else.
They make all the right noises, and lots of good people are like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy with the football, trusting when the politicians and business leaders say that this time their policies really will make things better.
It’s foolish to believe them. Then are handing you a s**t sandwich and calling it pastrami. By now only fools trust them, and there are far too many fools (excessively trusting?) people who believe in their good intentions.
When the results are always bad, you have to realize that perhaps the bad results are the intended results. San Francisco spends $57,000 a year per homeless person, and nothing gets better. Maybe that is because that money is going into the pockets of bureaucrats, nonprofits, and developers who help keep the politicians in power.
Just sayin’. If you think they want to solve homelessness then ask yourself why nothing gets better.
Except, of course, when the cream of the Elite comes to visit San Francisco. Things get better right away. Like pronto. Right now! We have our “neighbors” to impress.
Politicians don’t have power to impress the neighbors, but to serve their citizens. At least it is supposed work that way, but somehow it never does.
Why? Because it is not you or me that they serve, but each other. You just pay for their lifestyles and their power.
Read the full article here