If you ever wonder why liberal women often seem unhinged, consider this: The View ranks #1 in daytime talk shows, and its audience is primarily suburban women.
And this is the sort of propaganda to which these women are subjected. It’s like an alternate universe in which Trump put people in concentration camps, Republicans have been rounding up people and shooting them, and White Supremacists roam the streets armed with machine guns.
Watch this until the end, where Rachel Maddow declares that Trump wants to put MSNBC on trial (how?) and kill the hosts.
WATCH: during an appearance on The View Rachel Maddow experienced a meltdown over the likely prospect of Trump being elected again in 2024, and claimed he will put the news station on trial and “execute us.” pic.twitter.com/BKbvpbSZef
— Merissa Hansen (@merissahansen17) October 20, 2023
She literally said that. If you haven’t the stomach to watch the whole thing, here is the abbreviated version:
Hey @maddow please cite your source for this claim that Trump wants to put MSNBC on trial to execute you. You’re a journalist right? Prove this claim. I’ll wait. https://t.co/DetPybRViL
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) October 23, 2023
I have a relative who watches Maddow religiously, and he believes her every word. Many people do, and that is a major reason why our country is going down the crapper.
Not just Maddow, of course. As I wrote earlier today newspapers like the New York Times are hiring actual Nazis to report on the war in the Middle East, while at the same time implying that Republicans are the real Nazis.
You can’t make this stuff up. If somebody scripted this it would be rejected as being too unbelievable to put on the air.
I have news for Rachel Maddow and the idiot liberals who watch her: Donald Trump was president for 4 years and none of the things you predicted or claimed he would do actually happened. Instead, we got a year with 0 casualties in Afghanistan, prosperity, and peace in the Middle East. Russia didn’t invade Ukraine as it did under Obama and Biden, and the world started to heal.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, puts political prisoners in solitary confinement, sends his Justice Department after parents and Catholics, and is trying to put his political opponent in the next election in jail.
In @Plano_Schools, McMillen High School, the High School MSA club has taken to the streets to chant “From the River, To the Sea”. The MSA Club is sponsored and overseen by Maysaa Enaya, the high school’s Chemistry Teacher.
This video is featured on the official McMillen MSA… pic.twitter.com/uyxfExVx2i
— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) October 24, 2023
Who are the fascists?
As you undoubtedly know by now I dislike Donald Trump the person quite a bit, but I also am not so brainwashed as to believe any of this crap. Trump is a jerk, but until 2020 he was a very good president. Joe Biden is tearing this country apart, and the Left seems to like that just fine.
Antisemitism is on the rise, and here is the White House response:
“What is [Biden’s] level of concern right now about a potential rise of antisemitism?”
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks” pic.twitter.com/q1WYkpbKmn
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 23, 2023
We are living in an alternate universe–one where the Left is protesting in support of terrorists, and the MSM is cheering on the perpetrators of evil. The president is funding both sides of a war in the Middle East, and his spokesman is worrying about a nonexistent rise in anti-Muslim hate.
Palestinian protesters viscously attack a man attending a rally in solidarity with Jewish people in Skokie, Illinois.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) October 24, 2023
Rachel Maddow is many things, but stupid is not one of them. She knows what she is saying is a lie, although the harridans of The View may be stupid enough to believe it. They almost certainly are, and apparently, their audience eats it up as they put their sons in dresses and chemically castrate them.
“Gays 4 Gaza” and “Queers for Palestine” in NYC on Oct. 23 demanding the end of Israel.
There’s so much to unpack here. The level of stupidity is breathtaking. pic.twitter.com/R2qdTbRlEE
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) October 24, 2023
There is something very broken about our culture, and the MSM is doing its best to increase the damage. The Narrative™ is the reality for vast numbers of people. We live in a country where there is such a thing as “Queers for Palestine” calling for a final solution.
“There is only one solution..”
No hiding it anymore. https://t.co/EBu3V0f42k
— AG (@AGHamilton29) October 24, 2023
Read the full article here