I’m sure Leftists will find a way to top this bit of idiocy, but it will take some effort.
By now you have heard that the law firm of Winston & Strawn withdrew its offer of employment to NYU student Ryna Workman after she issued a statement claiming “Israel bears full responsibility” for the terrorist attacks of 10/7.
Believe it or not, a white-shoe law firm didn’t want to be associated with supporting terror attacks including rape, murder, beheadings, and the burning of babies.
Go figure.
A lawyer is an officer of the court, not an officer in a jihadist war to murder Jews. A law student who fails to recognize this fact or refuses to acknowledge the truth of certain facts in evidence, that, for example, Hamas is guilty of mass murder, is unfit to pursue justice.
— American Greatness (@theamgreatness) October 18, 2023
Well now her fellow students at NYU are not just sticking up for their oppressed colleague, they have declared that Winston & Strawn is committing “violence” by withdrawing their offer of employment.
Rape and murder? Not violence. Failing to pay 6 figures to a terrorist sympathizer? Systemic oppression and violence.
You can’t make this s**t up, man.
The Chicago-based Winston & Strawn withdrew its offer of employment to Ryna Workman after the nonbinary NYU student issued a statement claiming “Israel bears full responsibility” for the terrorist attacks that have left more than 1,300 dead, including at least 30 Americans. The firm’s decision is just one instance of “systemic, concentrated violence” Workman has experienced since issuing her anti-Israel pronouncement, according to a letter of support obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
The letter’s signatories, which include the Black Allied Law Students Association and the Women of Color Collective, accuses NYU of being complicit “in the abuses of the Israeli government,” and condemns “the broader NYU administration for not protecting Ryna as a student and important member of our community.”
Systemic, concentrated violence. You would think that they are describing what is happening on the streets of Chicago where she was supposed to be heading for a new job, but no, these idiots are referring to Workman’s losing a job offer.
This sort of wordplay is the essence of critical theory BS, where the Marxists invert the meaning of words in order to justify their insane pronouncements. “Silence is violence” is an absurdity, but the hope is that normal people can be swayed by rhetoric. It often works with liberals, apparently.
You can’t take anything a critical theory advocate says seriously, because words are simply rhetorical tools, not descriptions of real things.
The signatories of the letter defending Workman note that she “has been an incredible leader in our community” and cite her habit of making “Halloween goody bags” for students as an example of how she is “an integral part of NYU law.”
“We, too, condemn the violence of silence,” the letter reads. “We are deeply ashamed of and angry with NYU Law, the NYU Law Board of Trustees, the Office of the Dean, and the broader NYU administration for not protecting Ryna as a student and important member of our community.”
The letter claims that “people of color and marginalized communities on campus” may no longer be “safe” on NYU’s campus in light of Hamas’s attack. There have been no recorded incidents of violence against any NYU student.
Think of the irony here. These students, who swear allegiance to the murderous tactics of Hamas, claim that they are at risk on campus. Not the Jewish students who have had a target put on their backs, but the people who put that target there claim victimhood.
These are the products of an education system gone mad. Worse, these are the lawyers of tomorrow, who will graduate from one of the premier schools in America.
This is not a fringe movement; these students are simply parroting the line that is being disseminated in all our elite institutions. The results of decades of Leftist dominance in academia are there for all to see.
Cost of a year’s tuition at NYU Law School? $76,290.
What a bargain.
Read the full article here