Whew! That little whirlwind trip went well, didn’t it?
“Yeah. He’s an idiot.”
Lahaina local questions why President Joe Biden is sending funds to Ukraine while her town has been destroyed and is in crisis. @JoeBiden
Support the people of Lahaina: https://t.co/DF9mpNeHT0
For all of our work: https://t.co/v1EvqUvcTm pic.twitter.com/w5xNPsoHtj
— Lincoln Jay (@lincolnmjay) August 19, 2023
The love is tangible.
That kind, wonderful woman he’s married to walked him safely from Marine One to Air Force One…
Biden completes his fly-by in Maui and heads back to Lake Tahoe for more vacation pic.twitter.com/ikbNX86DL4
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 22, 2023
…and I guess he got so much rest on the flight back to Tahoe they let him use the big stairs to get off.
No tripsies!!
Time to head to the bazillionaire’s house and PAH-TAY.
Biden takes no comments after his DISASTROUS Hawaii trip as he goes back on vacation! pic.twitter.com/yQpvBM4iqq
— BizPac Review (@BIZPACReview) August 22, 2023
Jet setting around like this, even for a good cause…er…what caused this trip again?
Right. Something bad, so “Ah feel yo pain” duties.
Joe Biden, while speaking in Lahina, reminds everyone that his first wife and daughter died in a car crash then proceeds to compare his worries about his boys after the crash to Hawaiians’ concerns about their missing children after the fire.
Its. Not. About. You. Joe. pic.twitter.com/fMdqZE3IMw
— Brick Suit (@Brick_Suit) August 21, 2023
You say po-TAY-to, I say po-TAH-to or, in Biden speak: MI FUEGO ES SU FUEGO.
“I almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, my cat.”
Joe Biden feels the pain of Lahaina talking about his kitchen fire.
pic.twitter.com/xIeeRNJBj9— Will Cain (@willcain) August 22, 2023
Well, all that emoting and traveling takes a toll on a guy. He might still be lean and mean…okay, mostly mean, and he’s no spring chicken.
More like a turkey.
He fell asleep…
pic.twitter.com/Dp727465zr— Anna Paulina Luna (@realannapaulina) August 22, 2023
“If it’s Wednesday, this must be Rehoboth Beach…?”
Blank stare. Joe is lost. pic.twitter.com/66QRzJ9FGf
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 22, 2023
Certainly, no effort, even in this time of tragedy, was spared to make POTATUS feel welcome.
A Maui resident displays a “Traitor Joe Must Go” sign in their lawn, flanked by two American flags. pic.twitter.com/Tkpg5rqYYz
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 22, 2023
Residents were about as hot as the still smoldering ground from the warmth of POTATUS’ thoughtful words…
Maui resident sounds off:
“Hearing Biden talk about his house that had a little fire. You almost lost your cat and your corvette? There were children who were incinerated into ash! You f–king old man. You vile human being.”
pic.twitter.com/fVXHEYMjMf— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 22, 2023
…and, man – they sure wanted him to know how they felt in person that he could take the time to come.
HAWAII—President Biden greeted by Lahaina residents, 13-days after fires destroyed their community.#Lahaina
🎥: @alchematron pic.twitter.com/58cVovtRpe— Bree A Dail (@breeadail) August 22, 2023
What a president. I hope there are 81M warm glows out there right now – they must all be proud as punch.
And I sure hope Jill got lots of snaps for the albums at Christmas.
You know, they do that have that extra stocking now.
Read the full article here