We learned this week that as part of the ongoing House investigation into Hunter Biden (and his family), FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski was called in to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on September 7th. But according to a transcript reviewed by the New York Post, things got off to a rocky start. Agent Sobocinski either could not or would not answer multiple questions regarding the investigation. It’s as if he was having a sudden lapse of memory, much like Hunter’s father. But in reality, Sobocinski had been briefed ahead of his testimony and told what things he could or could not say to the committee, with numerous restrictions being put in place based on “constraints around the ongoing investigation.” Isn’t that convenient?
A top FBI agent involved in the Hunter Biden investigation couldn’t recall or refused to answer several questions related to IRS whistleblower claims that the probe into the first son was impeded by the Justice Department.
A transcript of FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, reviewed by The Post, reveals that the Justice Department detailed what Sobocinski could and couldn’t talk about with lawmakers a day before his Sept. 7 interview.
“Specifically, the Department has authorized [Sobocinski] to discuss U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss’ authority, as well as the October 7th, 2022, meeting, subject to some constraints around the ongoing investigation issue,” Sara Zdeb, a deputy assistant attorney general, informed congressional investigators before questioning began, referencing a letter to Sobocinski signed by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer.
Some of the questions involved the now infamous October 7, 2022 “red line” meeting between officials from the IRS, the FBI, and David Weiss, where they discussed Weiss’ supposed lack of authority to pursue charges against Hunter Biden. This is a major part of the ongoing coverup of the DoJ’s efforts to thwart any investigations and protect the Biden family. Whistleblowers have reported that Weiss said he had no authority, something Merrick Garland has denied under oath. But when Sobocinski was asked about Weiss’ comments during the meeting, he “could not recall.”
When pressed on the same question again, he said, “I do not remember — I don’t — he didn’t say that.” Oh, really? Which is it? You don’t remember or you do remember that he didn’t say it? This sounds like an answer that someone would give if they were trying to figure out a way not to answer. That pattern continued when Sobocinski was asked about other meetings where the Bureau declined to pursue IRS charges against Hunter over his failure to pay taxes on his foreign “business client” profits. He said that he “couldn’t recall” or he was “not personally aware.” He also said at one point, “I couldn’t comment on that.”
That meeting was less than a year ago and it’s been the focus of intense scrutiny for quite a while now. How is it that SA Sobocinski’s memory has suddenly gone so fuzzy? Is he cognitively capable enough to be holding such a responsible position? Or is he trying to pull off a snow job?
Precisely. What Weiss said at the meeting is not in doubt.
The only question is how close to perjury others are willing to dance to tow the Garland/Weiss company line—while DOJ-minders watch them testify.
“Don’t recall” feels safe when folks are trying to keep their jobs. https://t.co/MaFfX6eP1Q pic.twitter.com/EkKdSffZHf
— Jason Foster (@JsnFostr) September 12, 2023
This incident is yet another reminder of how the “ongoing investigation” excuse has been abused by the Justice Department and law enforcement agencies around the country. The reason for having such a rule was traditionally understood to be a concern that answering questions for the press about a case that was still being pursued might tip off suspects and allow them to evade capture. But members of Congress who receive testimony in a closed session are conducting constitutionally appropriate oversight and are barred from making such details public.
Also, the “ongoing investigation” excuse when it comes to Hunter Biden has been worn beyond the point of being threadbare. Everything under discussion about the First Son took place years ago. There are no new developments to come as far as current or future crimes as far as anyone knows. And as far as “tipping off the suspect” goes, it’s the Justice Department who has been tipping off Hunter from the beginning. This is all complete nonsense.
Some of these people appear to be ready to commit perjury in their efforts to cover up what’s been going on at the FBI and the protection racket they have been running for the Bidens. This is yet more evidence as to why we need a thorough, top-down housecleaning at the Bureau. They long ago lost interest in any sort of equal application of the law when something with political connotations came their way. And when it does, how the FBI responds depends entirely on which letter you have after your name.
Read the full article here