CNN has been on a hiring spree, getting ready for an election season filled with the need to defend Joe Biden from criticism and promote his wildly successful “Bidenomics” programs.
In less than a month, CNN has hired both the former Biden WH Comms Director, and Kamala Harris’s former VP Comms Director.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 10, 2023
Chris Licht, the now former president of CNN was famously brought in to right the ship at the former news network by dragging it kicking and screaming back to the political center.
The effort went badly and ended badly for Licht, who after a bit more than a year of non-stop failure was thrown out on the street with the door, indeed, hitting him in the ass on the way out.
The powers that be at CNN have apparently decided to return to the tried-and-failed model of pushing nonstop Leftist propaganda, and have hired not one but two Biden Administration alums to fill out their political commentary ranks.
It’s a bold move, and utterly unpredictable. Most of us expected Alex Jones and Jack Posobiac to be on the shortlist. Or not.
We have seen a Twitterization of the news media–media companies have been substituting predictable hot takes from 2nd-tier hacks narrowcasted to self-selected partisan audiences who desperately want their priors confirmed.
Who better than hacks who until 5 minutes ago were paid shills for the Biden White House? They even epitomize 2nd-tier, neither having been recognizable to anybody on the street. They will be the perfect bland, generic talking heads who smoothly read the talking points and reassure everybody that Joe Biden is a beloved family man who works tirelessly for the American people, and simply has an interest in discussing cumulus clouds with Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.
Who wouldn’t want to discuss rainfall patterns, barometric pressures, and the Atlantic hurricane season with random strangers about whom you know nothing but their preference for sitting with Hunter Biden?
CNN is hardly the worst MSM outlet, partly because most are equally as bad when it comes to fairly covering facts and in particular representing the opinions of Republicans, but also because MSNBC exists. Hard to be worse than MSNBC.
John King doesn’t realize it’s not CNN getting some things wrong that makes them untrustworthy. It’s that 100% of the things they get wrong were said to support the current Democrat/Establishment narrative.
— Unauthorized Narrative (@mgEyesOpen) August 10, 2023
What is so striking about the MSM is not its hostility to Republicans, although at times that hostility appears unhinged because it begins and ends with the assumption that Republicans are evil liars trying to destroy America. No, what is striking is that they never, ever deviate from the Democrat line, and in the few cases where they are not carrying water for all Democrats they are doing so to aid a faction of the Democrats with whom they feel more aligned.
A lot of people have been having fun at The Washington Post’s Philip Bump today because he keeps on insisting that there is nothing to see at all with the Biden Crime Family’s actions. The shell companies, the $20 million, the meetings with oligarchs to “talk about the weather” all are perfectly normal.
“Where’s the proof?” he wonders.
— Scott (@BadName717) August 10, 2023
CNN’s hiring spree is nothing more than ensuring they have a direct line into the White House to get the talking points first. It is, it seems, the new competitive advantage in the media.
The Administration, after all, writes the news for them.
Read the full article here