“Target Tehran,” Senator John Cornyn tweeted Sunday after news broke that three U.S. service members had died in a drone attack on a U.S. outpost in Jordan. Was this “a call to bomb Iran?” Twitter users wondered. Cornyn’s answer was “No.” In effect, Cornyn’s “no” basically “yes,” however, given the Texas Senator specified the targets should be “IRGC and Quds Force terrorist facilitators.”
Senator Lindsey Graham was not interested in Cornyn’s supposed distinctions. “Hit Iran now,” the South Carolina Senator tweeted in a thread. “Hit them hard.”
Tucker Carlson had just two words for Cornyn and Graham: “F-cking lunatics.” He did not elaborate.
Carlson did elaborate in a new episode of “TCN on X.” “War with Iran? Yes. We’re already in it.” Carlson’s tweet attached to the article read. Carlson interviewed Joe Kent, a retired officer of the U.S. special forces running for Congress in Washington state.
“Buffoons like John Cornyn, who apparently is a senator from Texas,” Carlson said in his introduction, were “all saying the same thing: Let’s go to war with Iran.”
Carlson called these agitators for war with Iran, “totally dishonest.”
“But there’s a point to the dishonesty,” Carlson continued. “And that is a war with Iran, which people in Washington have been agitating for for more than 20 years.”
When it was Kent’s turn to weigh in, he seemed to agree with Carlson’s assessment that the establishment craves a war with Iran. “We’ve seen this coming,” Kent told Carlson. “This was an inevitable conclusion by leaving our troops in these locations undefended. Essentially, we left them there as bait because so many people in Washington D.C. want to go to war with Iran.” The desire for war with Iran is so strong, Kent claimed, that the U.S. government is willing to fork over millions of dollars to the Iraqi government “so they can turn around and support the exact same militias that just killed our troops.” The Islamic Resistance that has taken credit for the weekend’s attack involves several entities directly connected to the Iraqi government.
Carlson claimed Kent’s characterization was “demonstrably true”:
American policy makers have American citizens in these countries in order to be killed so they can justify killing more American citizens in a broader war against a very well armed country Iran.
“If that is true,” Carlson asked, “how is that not a crime?”
“There’s something bigger,” at play here, Carlson speculates. “There’s like a spirit of insanity or delusion that’s descended on Washington. It’s almost like ergotism, or something you read about in the Middle Ages when a whole village goes crazy and commits cannibalism.”
A vampiric empire that gorges on its blood and treasure without end for the supposed benefit of countries thousands of miles away. It appears the monsters are not abroad, but here at home.
Read the full article here